12:11 Foundation

What's it all about?

12:11 Foundation is organized
to lead young men and women to pursue
the best version of themselves.


12:11 Foundation

What's it all about?

12:11 Foundation seeks to be
a pivotal source of strength, encouragement,
and guidance for youth at risk.


Learn about our mission

12:11 Foundation

What's it all about?

12:11 Foundation will be responsible for founding,
setting up, and establishing the base from which
these young people will launch their lives.


Learn About our Mission

About us

The 12:11 Foundation seeks to provide safe alternatives for youth by providing programs to develop and enhance interpersonal skills, physical abilities, and the confidence of the individuals that we work with including, but not limited to strength training, weekly mental challenges, and community service.


Moreover, the Foundation’s mission is aimed at establishing a firm platform for young people to turn their lives around and give them a launching pad to a successful life. 




12:11’s Mission and Vision Are As Follows:

Promise: Lead people to their highest potential.

Mission Statement: Changing young people's lives through strength training to achieve their highest potential.

Vision: Grow the 12:11 foundation to an organization that funds and provides strength and performance training, nutrition coaching, and the tools necessary to help young people to advance in life. We look to strengthen, empower, and develop the young men/women that we work with to be highly functioning, productive members of society through the following, which spells out STRENGTH, and is incorporated in all that we do. 








Tenacious. The health and wellness via strength training, wellness education and outreach activities will be aimed toward promoting training/programs and group activities that would assist in achieving the above objectives.  


Details Coming Soon!


Details Coming Soon!


Details Coming Soon

12:11 Foundation is currently seeking exemption status with the IRS. If the IRS approves 12:11's timely filed exemption application, our exempt status is recognized back to the date the organization was created. Contributors to the organization do not have advance assurance of deductibility because the organization’s exemption is pending.  If 12:11 ultimately qualifies for exemption for the period in which the contribution is made, the contribution will be tax-deductible by the donor.  Alternatively, if the organization ultimately does not qualify for exemption, then the contribution will not be tax deductible.